Friday, August 9, 2013

                As a high school student, it was a great opportunities to see what the elders got. I am still surprised with how all the people who presented have complete different ideas but come down to a slightly similar solution. There are varieties of project ideas that I can take to establish in my own environment back at home. For example, Sharon’s project about fishing line will be a perfect project for my hometown. I live in a coastal area in Burma where fishing is a very popular activity. Since my hometown is very small, and there are only some popular areas for fishing. So the idea of recycling fishing line will be a very good project to run. It will be efficient and effective.
Reflection of the course.
                This course had done nothing but given me a great experience for my life. It gave me so much knowledge about leadership and environment. It was a perfect journey for my future project for my high school. The five most important things that I learn in this course are,
·         Tools that we can use toward behavior change.
·         Ways to remove road blocks/barriers.
·         Organizational levels.
·         Top demands within the change agent.
·         Three types of relationship models in organization
Tools that we can use toward behavior change.
·         Get commitment
·         Use prompt (Reminders)
·         Use social norms.
·         Use incentives.
·         Make it convenient.
·         Persuasive communication strategies.
Ways to remove road blocks/barriers.
·         Pay conscious attention. (Effective listener)
·         Respect other status.
·         Creating a culture that is safe and supportive
·         Be flexible and receptive to ideas.
·         Test assumptions
·         Take others a experts, partners, and equals
·         Foster confidence.
·         Offer incentive.
·         Give encouragements and feedbacks.
·         Small scale pilot projects.
·         Peer to peer interactions.
Organizational Levels.
                There are three levels in every organization such as Top level management, Middle management and Grass roots. Top level management takes a big role in decision making process and creating tasks for people in lower management levels. Middle management will take the role of fostering those tasks to the grass roots in order achieve the goals that were set by the top level management. Grass roots management takes the role of carrying out projects to successfully achieve the goals.
Top demands within the world of a change agent.
·         Sustaining the clarity and power of your ethnics, beliefs, and commitments. Valuing the quality of your own energy.
·         Understanding social change and your role in it.
·         Deriving self worth, security and status. Building capabilities as a strategic follower, listener, facilitator, supporter or leaders.
·         Being conscious and skillful in the turning point moments, strategic yielding and strategic risk taking.
·         The practice of learning by doing and importance of insight, resilience, renewal and self awareness.
Three types of relationship models in organization.
·         Trust
·         Transaction
·         Authority
Within trust based organization, there are five qualities that can reduce threat response.
·         Status
·         Certainty
·         Autonomy
·         Relatedness
·         Fairness
·         Creativity.
Suggestions for the course.
                One main suggestion that I got for this class is to teach us how we can use the knowledge about leadership in environment matters. Otherwise, the course is perfect.